姓 名:姚凯
性 别:男
职 称:讲师
2024年3月于哈尔滨工程大学机械工程专业博士研究生毕业。主要从事人机工程方面的研究。目前公开发表学术论文8篇。相关工作已发表在Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology,Nuclear technology等期刊。
(1)控制室功能分布及验证,企事业单位委托项目,2021 – 2022年,项目参与人
(2)人机界面设计与评价系统研究,企事业单位委托项目,2019 - 2020年,项目参与人
(3)控制室人因工程设计与验证,企事业单位委托项目,2018 - 2019年,项目参与人
[1] Yan S., Yao, K., Wei Y., Li F., Tran C. C.. 2022. Develop a framework of human reliability analysis to evaluate the human error probability in DMCR of NPPs. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(10), 1285-1296.
[2] Yan S., Yao, K., Wei Y., Li F., Tran C. C.. 2022. Constructing neural network model to evaluate and predict human error probability in nuclear power plants based on eye response, workload rating, and situation awareness. Nuclear technology, 208(10), 1540-1552.
[3] Yan S., Yao, K., Li F., Wei Y., Tran C. C.. 2022. Application of Bayesian network to quantify human reliability in nuclear power plants based on SPAR-H method. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 28(4), 2588-2598.
[4] Yao, K., Yan S., Tran C. C.. 2021. A fuzzy CREAM method for human reliability analysis in digital main control room of nuclear power plants. Nuclear technology, 208(4), 761-774.
[5] Yao, K., Yan S., Li F., Wei Y., Tran C. C.. 2021. Exploring the Effects of Road Type on Drivers’ Eye Behavior and Workload. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 29(1), 31-35.
[6] Yao, K., Wang, C., Ding, F., Sui, J., Li, S.. 2020. Effect of nozzles on cutting performance when machining with oil-on-water cooling technique. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 112(3), 1-10.
电 话:18845103087